10 LBS IN 7 DAYS!!
I randomly found this detox on pinterest, it seemed legit, so I decided to try it out. you lose 10 lbs in 7 days, and you can only eat certain things on certain days. I did it mainly because the holidays screwed up my eating habits, its the new year, I have a wedding in August, and well, I just want to start fresh. I could tell I had already lost some weight on Day 4. my pants were loose, my stomach flat, and I was very energized! I had also been going to the gym every night, so I know that definitely boosted my metabolism, as well. the detox was just some extra motivation!
So anyway.. I basically made a big list of what I needed and got everything at the grocery store.. mainly fruits and veggies.. and then chopped, diced, cooked and measured all of my food out for the week. labeled the containers and everything; Day 1-snack, Day 2-dinner, etc. etc. I hung the list on my fridge as a reminder of what i could and couldn't eat, and of course, I also took pictures of everything to add to my blog. ;)
DAY 1: FRUIT-- you can eat any kind of fruit today, except bananas. They are higher in carbs and you won't need them til later in the week. Watermelon and cantelope are the best choices because they have the lowest calories, so you will lose weight faster.
^^this was my lunch.
I only ate when my stomach was growling, talk about self-control!!
This was really hard for me, as I do not eat fruit as often as I should..
DAY 2: VEGGIES-- eat any and every kind of vegetable today, whether its steamed, raw, cooked, etc. stay away from peas, corn and beans. (they are starchy and full of fiber) you also get a baked potato for dinner tonight!
^^what are you supposed to eat for breakfast when all you can have is veggies?
A spinach, cucumber and carrot juice smoothie.. thats what. :x
^^By day 2, my skin was very clear!
I had good hair days, outfit days, and I was super energized.
DAY 3: FRUIT & VEGGIES-- same as day 1 and 2, except no potato today.
DAY 4: BANANAS & SKIM MILK-- eat as many as 8 bananas and drink 8 glasses of skim milk today. this sounds hard, but it will curb your appetite and get rid of any cravings for sweets that you have. (I made lots of smoothies today!) it says if you can't drink the milk, to substitute it with weight watchers yogurt.
today was suprisingly easy. although I had horrible cravings for nachos all night..
I just grabbed a banana and all was fine once again.
DAY 5: CHICKEN OR TURKEY & TOMATOES-- you can choose either chicken or turkey today, and eat up to 6 tomatoes. for every tomato that you eat, drink a glass of water so you can get rid of all the uric acid.
DAY 6: CHICKEN OR TURKEY & VEGGIES-- eat as much chicken/turkey as you want today, and lots of veggies!
DAY 7: MIRACLE SOUP-- you will need; one whole cabbage, 5-6 celery stalks, 1 green pepper, 2 large onions, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, 2 packets of beefy onion soup mix, and 4-6 cups of water (barely cover the veggies)
dice and chop up all the veggies and boil in water for 10-15 minutes, then add the soup mix. let all veggies boil together until they are tender. then eat anytime your hungry for the rest of the day!
^^Day 7 was probably the hardest for me.
Mainly because, well.. that miracle soup was just down right disgusting. (I hate cabbage!!) :x
Other than that, I would eat this soup all day long.
I definitely encourage working out everynight as it will help you see results faster, but take it easy! you don't want to pass out from over doing it. I stuck to cardio and lifting weights for just an hour.
I am now detox free, 10 lbs lighter and able to eat my normal food again.. I couldn't feel better! :)
Hope this works for anyone who decides to try it! it did for me :D